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Proper use of screen printing machine

With the improvement of the quality of printed matter, the printing technology is also developing in a more complicated direction. The screen printing machine has also been widely used. The screen printing machine uses the direct printing method to print, that is, the screen printing machine is used on the gelatin or silica gel plate. , and then transferred to the contractor. Not only can the screen printer print in three dimensions, but it can also print on curved surfaces, spherical surfaces, and rough surfaces. What is the correct way to use the screen printing machine? The following is a small series for everyone:

1. Before actually adjusting, it is necessary to make certain adjustments to the platform, and it is necessary to adjust the screw to a certain height. This is the only way to ensure that the squeegee does not appear on the platform when it is used. Some of the effects of smoothing.

2. The angle of the scraper must be within a certain range when adjusting, but the specific angle still needs to make final adjustments according to the choice of use. If it can not be adjusted properly, it must not be allowed. Better work.

3, in fact, the length of the screen printing machine squeegee is fixed, but in use can be assembled in accordance with the set for better use After all, each use can not be the same length. Of course, at this time is also To consider the pressure of screen printing machine squeegee, it is only after all factors are taken into account that it can be used more.